Reduce size of Banner t top of web page

On the website my view shows a half-page banner horizontally, which leaves little space to view content.

The banner shows the logo and Madison MAN Co-op at top, then a statement: BUILDING ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY STABILITY TOGETHER IN A NETWORKED COOPERATIVE FOR DOING THE WORK WE WANT TO DO     then lots of empty space, then a horizontal menu of:

Calendar  About   Contact  Marketplace   Member Directory 

It's all good info but it would be helpful to take up less space so one can view the content better.

allow folks to view wants and offers without having to join - just to check it out

In the interest of getting more folks involved in mutual aid, I think it would be good if people could "just take a look" to see what kinds of things are offered before they have to join. It makes sense for them to need to join to participate, but as a recruitment tool, I think a chance to view what's posted before they have to join would make sense.

Create way to register interest in projects

Wallet 2 paid Wallet 12 Hr3½ for Potluck hosting.
Wallet 2 paid Wallet 12 Hr3½ for Potluck hosting.



like it is in the timebank. from the projects page and from your profile you can click a button to register your interest in a project. would be good for that to auto-populate a listserv

I'd also like to have a way to propose projects. we can do that in google forms if we need to, though