
NVC training Sunday 1/19, Supper Club Monday 1/20, and more!

supper club 1/20/25

Hello dear members of the Madison MAN (Mutual AId Network) Cooperative, 

Let's make 2025 the year that mutual aid turns around the uglier trends of the world. Yes, we can, and most humans ultimately want the same thing - to live in peace and abundance. We can create common ground and support each other to get through lean times, and have fun doing it!

  1. Sunday January 19 join members Madison Area Permaculture Guild for a training in Nonviolent Communication, more info below
  2. Monday January 20 join us for Supper Club! 3:30-6:30pm at the WilMar Center 953 more info below
  3. Enter and reply to offers and wants! Including: we have wants posted for help with shaping our tech tools, help with communications, hosting outreach events, etc. We have some fun active work groups you can be part of or you can work on your own, and earn hours for helping the MAN work better for you...

And now for the details on each upcoming event:

Slow PDC Daylong Introduction to Nonviolent Communication (NVC) 
Date: Sunday, January 19, 2025

Location: Aubergine 1226 Williamson St.
Time: 10:00am with a light potluck brunch (time to get settled; bring something to pass if you are inspired to do so). The training will begin at 10:30am.  At 12:30pm we will take a 15 minute break and, then at 12:45pm, continue the practice.  We will take a half-hour break before returning at 3:15pm and finish about 5:15pm. 

Cost: Like all our workshops, we offer a sliding-scale fee for participants:
• Supporting fee: $150
• Standard fee: $90
• Scholarship: pay what you feel able & financially comfortable to pay

Please be prepared to pay at the event. We prefer checks or cash, but will also be accepting credit via square at the event.

Please RSVP at & indicate in the comments how many children, at what ages, will you bring?


If you have not joined Permaculture Works, you may need to join to RSVP. Permaculture Works is a no cost, local, private social networking space focused on permaculture. We don't manipulate with algorithms or sell any data.

Supper Club
Date: Monday, January 20, 2025
Time: 3:30-6:30 or any portion  3:30-4 menu planning; 4-5 cooking or talking; 5-6 eating (kids welcome!); 6-6:30 pack up leftovers and clean up
Location: WilMar Neighorhood Center 953 Jenifer St.

Bring a friend! Pop in anytime - you're welcome to drop in for a quick bite or to stay and visit the whole time.

We make menus based on what's available, cook together, share a meal from 5-6, then package some food to go and clean up. 

Have some extra potatoes, garlic, other perishables or canned foods you need to use up? Contribute them to the meal, and we'll do a Stone Soup-style menu based on what comes in, including contributions from Healthy Food For All.

While some people cook, others can learn more about Peace Practice, or do some collective dreaming and planning for future Supper Clubs or other cool projects. The only limits are imagination and participation. Well, those aren't really limits are they?

Hope to see you soon! Also, feel free to come to other events at our calendar, or be in touch with how we can help make the Madison MAN work for you.

Take care and happy new year (yes we can still say that),

Stephanie on behalf of the Madison MAN Coop 

Madison MAN year-end fundraising letter - hope you can help!

Dear friends,

The holiday season is a reminder to cherish the communities and values we hold dear. As we close another eventful year, we invite you to join us in building the Madison MAN Cooperative, an organization fueling economic and community resilience through mutual aid and cooperative development.

This year, Madison MAN has been a home for resource sharing that embraces meaningful connections. Our reach extends far beyond Dane County, while our home base in Madison serves as an anchor for local action. Through events like our Mutual Aid Supper Club, we’ve built opportunities for community members to collaborate, share resources, and grow together.

Growing our initiatives requires the collective efforts of our members and supporters. This is where you come in.

We invite you to contribute to Madison MAN in any way that aligns with your capacity. Here’s how you can make a difference.

Pay or Renew Your Membership Dues: Membership dues are the backbone of our cooperative. If you’re already a member, we encourage you to renew your contribution—whether in dollars, time, or other forms of credit. If you’re new to Madison MAN, now is the best time to join this community network.

Donate: Your financial support helps grow and keep our programs steady. Contributions can be made easily online via paypal.

Share Your efforts and Time: From helping at events and attending sessions, your time and experience are important to our cooperative’s success, and you can earn timebank (MAN) hours for your time!

Every contribution, large or small, strengthens our shared vision of a shared, sustainable economy. Together, we can continue to build communities where everyone thrives and makes a difference.  

To renew your membership or make a donation, please visit [insert relevant website link here]. If you have questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us at [contact information].

Thank you for your continued support and for being a vital part of the Madison MAN community. Let’s move into the new year by committing to the success and strength of mutual aid.

In solidarity,

Stephanie Rearick
President, Madison MAN Cooperative  * (608) 443-8229

HUMANs 12.24 Solidarity Summit follow-up #1

map of summit participants around the world

Hello friends,


Thanks to those of you who were able to attend our HUMANs Solidarity Summit last weekend! 

I'm sending out the raw materials from the summit, in order to get them out the door for you and also to invite some of you to help refine them, if you'd like. Over time we'll separate the session videos where they're connected and share them on peertube but for now feel free to check them out and let us know if you want to help with editing for the future.


Video recordings of the entire summit:

raw recordings from Saturday 12.14

raw recordings from Sunday 12.15


And you are invited to contribute to and organize notes here:

raw notes in shared notes doc 


Here are the summit slides which include all the related links.


And here are a few of the links to make it easy for you to check them out right away:

  • This is a padlet map representing the Human Family, people who have come to Solidarity Summits. Some are members of the HUMANs cooperative, some not yet, and all are sharing their info so you can connect with each other.
  • This is our live marketplace where you are invited to add and reply to offers and wants, after joining the HUMANs coop.
  • This is the brief survey for your feedback on the summit

We had some cool geographic clusters represented, and a few more who weren't able to make it during the weekend. We'll follow up with organizing some regional online gatherings.

We also heard interest in in-person visits and will aim to revive our practice of Solidarity Sprints, where we visit, learn from, and work with each other. 


Now it's time for a little break over winter holidays, and we'll be back in action early January. Our first gathering is, appropriately, Dream Time on January 7, 12noon CST. Join us to share our dreams for the coming year, and see how we can support each other to make them reality. That's on our regular zoom channel, and you can find that and other sessions on our calendar here.




Last but not least - help shape our March summit --

Here's a link to our next summit March 15 and 16, 2025. Feel free to propose talks! 


We hope to see you more in 2025 and make our individual and collective mutual aid dreams come true.


Take care,


President, HUMANs and Madison MAN Cooperative


HUMANs Solidarity Summit from SJC this weekend + Supper Club Monday and beyond!

picture of summit schedule

Hello friends!


Our HUMANs December Solidarity Summit is coming right up - this Saturday and Sunday Dec. 14-15. In case you don't already know, the HUMANs are the global cooperative network that we helped to instigate, and are still HQ for.


We'll be hosting from our home base at the Social Justice Center conference room! Join us in person if you like, beginning 1/2 hour before the summit starts each day.


Bring a snack or drink to share if you like, or just come and enjoy. More summit details below, but first -


Mutual Aid Supper Club #3 is Monday December 16, 3:30-6:30pm at the WilMar Center 953 Jenifer.

Come for part or all of it! You don't have to cook to eat, you're more than welcome to just drop in for food.

3:30-4: Bring ingredients if you have some. We'll make a Stone Soup-style menu
4-5: Some of us will cook, others are welcome to just chat or to participate in a Peace Practice demo, where we show how we do our group learning journey toward making peaceful communities

5-6: Eat together, chat

6-6:30: Clean up, pack up leftover food


And now, onto the HUMANs summit details and links: 


The agenda is available (click 'agenda' at the event page) and I'll also paste the current schedule in this email. Be sure to look at the event page too, in case any last-minute changes happen, which we'll do our best to keep at a minimum.

Important summit links:

Summit Registration link (agenda and other links can be found there)


Here are the events on social media, to make it easy for you to invite your friends and networks:



Links to take action during and after the summit:



Schedule at a glance (check time zone converter!) 

  • Saturday 12/14

    • 10am CST Getting to Know Each Other: HUMANs and summit overview, brief intros (1/2-2 minutes) of projects present, brief conversation on offers/needs/synergies

    • 11:30am CST Go Deeper: Deeper conversations about projects and synergies, with possible breakout rooms. 

    • 1pm CST Econet Action Plan: Call for Action! Learn more about Econet and how you can take action. is an online community of citizen scientists who work together as both ecological thinkers and ecological practitioners

  • Sunday 12/15

    • 11am CST The Art of Onboarding a Coherent Whole with Tony Budak explores how to foster group commitment

    • 12:30-1pm BREAK or open conversation on Zoom

    • 1pm CST Technicollab Dreams: Software developers and mutual aid geeks come together to see how we can collaborate to create a tech ecosystem that works to realize our dreams. Beginners may feel overwhelmed but are welcome - the conversation is geared toward practitioners moving forward.

    • 2:30pm CST Highlights and Action Steps: We'll see how we can take action to move our individual and collective work forward via mutual aid. Those who want to check out's Chat on the Bench will be invited to do so.

We hope to see you! Please share the invitation with your friends.


Solidarity Summit and Supper Club, coming up soon!

Solidarity Summit schedule 12/14 9:30am-2:30pm; 12/15 10:30am-4pm

We have an exciting few days of mutual aid celebrations coming up. 


The weekend of December 14-15 we'll host the HUMANs global Solidarity Summit from right here in Madison, at the Social Justice Center conference room 1202 Williamson. We'll bring a few treats, feel free to bring some to share or just come enjoy.

Saturday 9:30am-2:30pm and Sunday 10:30am-4pm. 

Details and registration here.


Mutual Aid Supper Club Monday December 16, 3:30-6:30pm at the WilMar Neighborhood Center 953 Jenifer St. 

Bring a friend! 

Pop in anytime - you're welcome to drop in for a quick bite or to stay and visit the whole time. 

We make menus based on what's available, cook together, share a meal from 5-6, then package some food to go and clean up.


On Dec. 16 from 4-5 we'll offer a Peace Practice demo for those who want to do that while others do the cooking (not everyone needs to cook!). Join in as we show how our regular Peace Practice sessions work, a simple learning circle devoted to creating peace. 


You don't have to help out to eat, but you're welcome to! And you'll earn MAN hours for your time.

How would you like to help? 

•Plan menus •Cook •Set up •Clean up •Provide ingredients •Give money 

•Teach- Food safety, Cooking, Nutrition, Other


And don't forget to add and reply to offers and wants at our website!

Mutual Aid Supper Club Monday Dec. 16, 3:30-6:30! Come for any part of it

supper club 12/16/24 3:30-6:30pm at the wilmar center
Monday December 16, 3:30-6:30pm at the WilMar Neighborhood Center 953 Jenifer St. Bring a friend! Pop in anytime - you're welcome to drop in for a quick bite or to stay and visit the whole time. We make menus based on what's available, cook together, share a meal from 5-6, then package some food to go and clean up. How would you like to help? On Dec. 16 from 4-5 we'll offer a Peace Practice demo for those who want to do that while others do the cooking (not everyone needs to cook!). Join in as we show how our regular Peace Practice sessions work, a simple learning circle devoted to creating peace. How would you like to help? •Plan menus •Cook •Set up •Clean up •Provide ingredients •Give money •Teach- Food safety, Cooking, Nutrition, Other The Madison MAN (Mutual Aid Network) Cooperative is the new home of timebanking in Madison. Earn MAN hours for your time, share and exchange with your neighbors, and help (re)build our local solidarity economy! We'll host Supper Club the 3rd Monday each month through 2024, and aim to increase to weekly in 2025.

Mutual Aid Supper Club launches Monday October 21!! 3:30-6:30pm at the WilMar Center

mutual aid supper club 10/21/24, 3:30-6:30pm at the WilMar 953 Jenifer St.

We're excited to host our first Mutual Aid Supper Club on Monday, October 21st. 

This is the old Dane County TimeBank's birthday so we'll just continue the tradition of birthing stuff around that time. 

Mutual Aid Supper Club on Monday, October 21st, 3:30-6:30pm at the WilMar Neighborhood Center, 953 Jenifer St. 

We'll have a brief general membership meeting during the event, and elect our Board and give you all a brief update on what's up and how you can be involved. 

But mainly, we'll plan a menu based on the ingredients we have, we'll cook together, share a meal, then pack any leftovers to-go and make them available to our members for their MAN hours or other credits. Fun! 

We'll also make plans for other activities we want to do during our time together. 

We'll start with monthly Supper Clubs through the rest of 2024, then hopefully build the capacity we need to go weekly. You can help!!

SJC Jubilee Saturday October 5, 4-9pm. Come for fun, or offer to help out!

the lineup for SJC Jubilee

Saturday October 5 is the SJC Jubilee, a yearly party and fundraiser for our home base The Social Justice Center. 

With food, drinks, raffle, games, art, music, and activism the whole time. 

The first hour or so will be an open mic - feel free to play some music, do some poetry or comedy, whatever you like to do. 

Then the Flower Buds, Ladyscissors, and Def Sonic play between 5 and 9. There are lots of fun volunteer slots available, and you can earn MAN hours for your time!

How You Can Help:
We’re looking for volunteers to assist with various tasks throughout the event. Whether it’s setting up, greeting guests, or helping with activities, there’s something for everyone!

Please take a moment to fill out our Volunteer Availability Page here. Feel free to share with your friends and community as well. I will confirm volunteer slots a few days before the event.

Remember, it's a fundraiser! Please give generously to help keep the SJC affordable and accessible, and share the info with your friends to encourage them to give, too. Abundance through cooperation!

Hope to see you soon

Our website is being upgraded, thanks for your patience!

We're working on improving all of our web functions and appearance. Meanwhile, it's like construction or deep cleaning, where you have to make a bit of a mess before you put it back together better. This is the mess time. We'll get it cleaned up and improved as quickly as possible. You can help! If you have design or writing skills, or constructive suggestions about how to improve your own experience, we'll offer you MAN hours for your time helping. Reply to our wants or just get in touch at Thanks!