Madison MAN Cooperative Membership Agreement

Madison MAN Cooperative Membership Agreement

Madison MAN Cooperative Membership Agreement

I/We hereby apply for the privilege of membership in and of trading goods and services in the membership-based network (the “Network”) Mutual Aid Network Cooperative (the “MAN”). By signing below, I/We agree to the following membership policies:


  • To always operate with integrity in word and action, uphold the core values, and honor commitments and other members.
  • To maintain honest, clear, and timely communication with MAN administration regarding experiences, needs, challenges, and other aspects of participation as may arise.
  • To be responsible for his/her own safety and comfort and to ask for references and publicly meet Members for your first meeting, if desired. MAN does not conduct background checks on members.
  • To notify with any changes to Member’s contact information whenever it changes.


MAN operates the day-to-day administration and marketing of the Network. That MAN regulates the sharing and exchange Network as a third-party record-keeper for the transactions that occur therein.

The Member is an individual, organization, or bona fide business, that Member desires to exchange with other Members and participants in the Network and subscribes to MAN’s services. Member complies with all applicable State, Federal, industry, and professional laws and regulations.

The MAN reserves the right to refuse services to anyone as a Member for any necessary reason.


A HUMAN hour is an hour of time given and received within a system of reciprocity. Reciprocity is the basis of mutual aid, and we believe that each person can be more of a giver or receiver at different times in their lives, and everyone deserves to get the help they need if someone is willing to provide it.

  • One hour of service always earns one HUMAN Hour, and one HUMAN Hour always buys one hour of service.
  • For fractions of hours, round up to the nearest quarter hour. (For example, 52 minutes of service earns 1 HUMAN Hour; 1 hour and 10 minutes of service equals 1.25 HUMAN Hours).
  • HUMAN Hours are not redeemable for cash.
  • There is no credit or debit limit for HUMAN Hours.
  • Every member has the responsibility to be prompt and keep scheduled commitments.


By joining the MAN you activate your Member Account. To maintain “Good Standing” status, which is interpreted as:

  • Abiding by all the terms of the Membership Agreement,
  • Keeping current on any and all fees and dues to MAN,
  • Maintaining an active account
  • Communicating with MAN about any changes regarding the Member Account. Accounts are not transferable in any way to any other individual or business.
  • Supplying MAN with permission to use Member’s name, website, logo, and any other marketing assets in promotional and marketing materials, as well as any other content Member may provide through participation in the Network.
  • Securing all passwords, Personal Identification Numbers (“PINs”), and other pertinent details of a Member’s account. This applies to online, phone, and any other forms of transaction that occur via the Network. MAN will not be held liable for a Member’s failure to secure relevant details.
  • >Reporting to MAN any security concerns and/or fraudulent activity as soon as it is discovered.


All fees will be billed annually except for those otherwise denoted. All fees are for services rendered, due within 30 days of the billing date, and non-refundable.

If you cannot pay the suggested membership dues, please be sure to contact us at and let us know what you can contribute. While we need money to operate, we value all kinds of contributions and will happily work with you to find something that works.

Invalid Payment Fee - A $30 fee on all returned checks and/or invalid credit/debit cards.

Member authorizes MAN to charge any credit/debit card or bank account submitted in writing or online.

It is the sole discretion of MAN to waive, refund, or allow any USD fees to be paid in MC$.

All billing disputes should be submitted in writing to 1202 Williamson St., Suite 102, Madison, WI 53703, or emailed to within 30 days of the billing date. If 30 days have passed and no dispute has been received, the bill will be assumed to be accurate.


To submit a request in writing (mail: 1202 Williamson St. Suite 102, Madison, WI 53703 or email to close an account. Such requests must be made at least seven days before the next billing period to avoid charges, and any remaining fees will be due immediately.


MAN reserves the right to suspend or cancel any account at any time. This includes but is not limited to delinquent accounts on fees, acts inconsistent with the Membership Agreement, complaints from other Members, fraudulent activity toward MAN or other Members, inactivity on the account, inability to establish contact for an extended period of time, or a Member’s holding a negative balance without duly working towards repayment through the supply of goods and services.

If a terminated account has a negative balance in MC$, the Member will have 60 days to bring the account to a $0 or positive balance through the sale of their goods and/or services. If 60 days have passed and a negative balance remains on the account, the remaining balance becomes due immediately. If the terminated account has a positive balance, the Member will have 60 days to spend it down, after which any remaining balance will be forfeited to MAN unless MAN agrees otherwise.

If an account is terminated due to illegal activity, any negative balances in USD or MC$ become due immediately, and any positive balance in USD or MC$ is automatically forfeited to MAN.

If an account is late on paying any of the monthly fees in USD or MC$, MAN reserves the right to temporarily suspend, limit, or terminate the account until the account is brought current. This may occur even if the account has a positive balance.

The MAN may, at any time, limit or terminate any account if MAN believes the Member to be abusing the system in any way or otherwise harming the network's or other members' effectiveness.


Members should work to resolve disputes with other members directly. Members may seek assistance from MAN to handle disputes they cannot resolve directly. All efforts will be made to handle disputes between members through mediation, and MAN reserves the right to mediate and/or have a staff person be included in any mediation of disputes between two or more members. If members have a dispute with MAN itself, they should communicate in writing via mail to 1202 Williamson St., Suite 102, Madison, WI 53703, or via email to

Members agree to cover any and all legal and attorney’s fees incurred by MAN in the course of its enforcing any part of this Membership Agreement, provided the ruling is in MAN’s favor.


Members personally guarantee all fees in USD and MC$ associated with being a Member.


Members agree to take good care of any equipment provided by MAN. Such equipment is the property of MAN and is leased to the Member, who is responsible for any loss, theft, or damage that may occur to it.


Members hold MAN, its officers, employees, representatives, and affiliates harmless concerning any claim, debt, or other liability arising from participating as a Member. MAN makes no warranty or guarantee about the services of other members and disclaims all liability for the fitness, quality, delivery, etc., of its Members’ goods and/or services.


If any term or policy of this Membership Agreement is judged unenforceable, it shall not affect the enforceability of the other terms or policies.


MAN’s delay in exercising any right shall not operate as a waiver thereof, and any single or partial exercise of rights shall not preclude any other or further exercise of its rights in any way.


MAN will strive to maintain a viable, balanced market, but no guarantees are extended to any account balances whatsoever, and neither MAN nor its officers, employees, affiliates, or other associated parties will be held liable for any remaining balances.


MAN will not share or sell its Members’ private information to any third party or other Member.


That MAN reserves the right to amend this Membership Agreement from time to time as deemed necessary and will send notice before it takes effect. Members will have 14 days to dispute changes, or they will be assumed to agree to them.


This Membership Agreement comprises the sole and whole representation of the agreement between MAN and the Member, and no oral or other representations will supersede the details contained and agreed to herein.


In all respects, this agreement shall be construed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin.