Member Dues

Member Dues

The Madison MAN Cooperative is an experiment in do-it-ourselves grassroots human-scale, life-nourishing economic development. We're aiming for self-sufficient interdependency and one way we can achieve that is by relying on members to contribute to their ability, whether it's in dollars, time, or other credit or material contributions.

So, if you have easy access to dollars please give as much as you're able, and consider making it a regular automatic contribution, via Paypal.

If dollars aren't an option and you wish to contribute any other form of credit (hours - 1 hour of work = 1 hour of credit; MANY - 1 MANY = $1 worth of goods or services, never redeemable for cash; Common Good fee free wealth-pooling debit card tied to your bank account). Create a transaction with the Madison MAN Cooperative here.

Thanks for joining! Hope to see you at an orientation or other gathering soon