Hello friends,
Thanks to those of you who were able to attend our HUMANs Solidarity Summit last weekend!
I'm sending out the raw materials from the summit, in order to get them out the door for you and also to invite some of you to help refine them, if you'd like. Over time we'll separate the session videos where they're connected and share them on peertube but for now feel free to check them out and let us know if you want to help with editing for the future.
Video recordings of the entire summit:
raw recordings from Saturday 12.14
raw recordings from Sunday 12.15
And you are invited to contribute to and organize notes here:
Here are the summit slides which include all the related links.
And here are a few of the links to make it easy for you to check them out right away:
- This is a padlet map representing the Human Family, people who have come to Solidarity Summits. Some are members of the HUMANs cooperative, some not yet, and all are sharing their info so you can connect with each other.
- This is our live marketplace where you are invited to add and reply to offers and wants, after joining the HUMANs coop.
- This is the brief survey for your feedback on the summit
We had some cool geographic clusters represented, and a few more who weren't able to make it during the weekend. We'll follow up with organizing some regional online gatherings.
We also heard interest in in-person visits and will aim to revive our practice of Solidarity Sprints, where we visit, learn from, and work with each other.
Now it's time for a little break over winter holidays, and we'll be back in action early January. Our first gathering is, appropriately, Dream Time on January 7, 12noon CST. Join us to share our dreams for the coming year, and see how we can support each other to make them reality. That's on our regular zoom channel, and you can find that and other sessions on our calendar here.
Last but not least - help shape our March summit --
Here's a link to our next summit March 15 and 16, 2025. Feel free to propose talks!
We hope to see you more in 2025 and make our individual and collective mutual aid dreams come true.
Take care,
President, HUMANs and Madison MAN Cooperative