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Madison MAN Co…

Hello all!

This is a short-and-sweet update and invitation from the Madison Mutual Aid Network Cooperative.

Our next potluck is this coming Friday July 26, 5-7pm at the Social Justice Center 1202 Williamson. What would you like to bring? What kind of workshop would you like to see? Go ahead and add your offers or requests to our potluck signup sheet.

We intend to host regular trans-local workshops to help us all to MAN Up, or have a posh life on an austerity budget because we're good at using and building up mutual aid. We'll start scheduling at the potluck but if you're interested and won't be there, just reply to to let us know your schedule. It's possible we'll aim for Tuesdays at noon but we'll wait to hear what works for you.

And, as always, our vision for Mutual Aid Networks involves supporting each other to realize our dreams for ourselves and our communities. The only limits to what we can accomplish together are the time and energy we put in. in other words, the sky's the limit if we want it to be! What projects interest you and what kind of role would you like to play? Please fill in this simple survey.

Thanks for participating! And don't forget to enter and reply to offers and wants. We need more people to help with outreach, for example. And gardening. And hosting events...


The Madison MAN (Mutual Aid Network) Cooperative