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Madison MAN Co…

Hello all

We hope you can join us for one or all of the following:

Sat. March 18 8-9:30pm at Social Justice Center - Party! Art opening and Collaboration Celebration. With treats, champagne, art, collaboration opportunities, and great company :)

March 18-19 8am-4pm on zoom - HUMANs Solidarity Summit! This will be a great way to connect with cool partners, friends, and projects from around the world. From India to New Zealand to St. Louis to Madison and beyond. Join us on zoom! Summit details here.

Tue. March 21 on zoom Tough Talk #2 - practice talking about tricky topics, with host Randy Coloni and facilitator Jennifer Warnick.

Tue. April 25, 4pm at Social Justice Center and on zoom- Mutual Aid for Health and Wellness This is an action-oriented workshop toward building care teams as well as a health expense cooperative, in order to meet our health and wellness needs more fully, mutual aid-style.

As always, there's lots more, including Communications, HOME Economics, and Dream Time every week, on zoom and usually at Social Justice Center (rsvp if you want to show up in person, just in case). You're welcome at anything, and feel free to request orientations or meeting with your communities or organizations. Just email or call 608 443-8229. Here's our calendar.

And while you're thinking of it, how about adding or updating your offers and wants, and replying to others? 

Thanks for reading this far!

Hope to see you soon,

Stephanie (Founder, Pres. Madison MAN Coop)