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Madison MAN Co…

Hello dear members of the Madison MAN (Mutual Aid Network) Coop!

We hope you can make it to our next Solidarity Summit! September 16 and 17, 1-3pm CDT each day, on zoom and  at the Social Justice Center  1202 Williamson St. Madison WI. Theme is Clusterflocks. Goal is clustering our flocks in ways that can build the potential of each of us, and our network

Saturday September 16, 1-3pm CDT For newcomers, and people who want easy open conversation, this is a Getting to Know You session. We’ll give overviews of the HUMANs and the summit, and hear from each of you, and chat more about whatever topics are compelling to you.

Sunday September 17, 1-3pm CDT This second session of the summit will focus in on Communities of Place and Communities of Practice. We’ll have 2 facilitated breakout sessions where people can dive into how to realize more dreams through connecting various cooperators  – one session organized by geography, the other by interest area (justice, food, travel, housing). We’ll regroup to process what we’ve learned and how we can operationalize it.


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Last but not least... mark your calendars for Saturday October 21st, ShareFest and our annual meeting and rebirthday party. Want to share skills, stuff, talents? Help organize it? Run for our Board? Again, Email us!

Hope to see you soon,
