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Madison MAN Co…


Thanks for your membership in the Madison MAN Coop! As always, we ask you to please enter and reply to offers and wants and use the mutual aid marketplace to meet your needs. That's how we make it work for everyone.

And we have a lot going on! Want to be part of an ongoing project or help to start something that's still in the dream stage? We have lots of opportunities! Gardening, peace-building, health + care network building, mesh wireless network creation, and more. Let us know what you're interseted in so we can get you plugged in, by filling in this quick and easy survey.

Last but definitely not least -

Friday May 24, 5-7pm at SJC is our monthly potluck/meal and workshop. Want to offer something? Let us know what you'd like to bring, see what's on the menu, or offer or request a workshop. Here's a signup spreadsheet. Or just show up, we want your presence more than anything else.

Thanks for reading and we hope to see you soon.

--Stephanie R.

Director of the Madison MAN Cooperative



