HUMANs Solidarity Summit from SJC this weekend + Supper Club Monday and beyond!

picture of summit schedule

Hello friends!


Our HUMANs December Solidarity Summit is coming right up - this Saturday and Sunday Dec. 14-15. In case you don't already know, the HUMANs are the global cooperative network that we helped to instigate, and are still HQ for.


We'll be hosting from our home base at the Social Justice Center conference room! Join us in person if you like, beginning 1/2 hour before the summit starts each day.


Bring a snack or drink to share if you like, or just come and enjoy. More summit details below, but first -


Mutual Aid Supper Club #3 is Monday December 16, 3:30-6:30pm at the WilMar Center 953 Jenifer.

Come for part or all of it! You don't have to cook to eat, you're more than welcome to just drop in for food.

3:30-4: Bring ingredients if you have some. We'll make a Stone Soup-style menu
4-5: Some of us will cook, others are welcome to just chat or to participate in a Peace Practice demo, where we show how we do our group learning journey toward making peaceful communities

5-6: Eat together, chat

6-6:30: Clean up, pack up leftover food


And now, onto the HUMANs summit details and links: 


The agenda is available (click 'agenda' at the event page) and I'll also paste the current schedule in this email. Be sure to look at the event page too, in case any last-minute changes happen, which we'll do our best to keep at a minimum.

Important summit links:

Summit Registration link (agenda and other links can be found there)


Here are the events on social media, to make it easy for you to invite your friends and networks:



Links to take action during and after the summit:



Schedule at a glance (check time zone converter!) 

  • Saturday 12/14

    • 10am CST Getting to Know Each Other: HUMANs and summit overview, brief intros (1/2-2 minutes) of projects present, brief conversation on offers/needs/synergies

    • 11:30am CST Go Deeper: Deeper conversations about projects and synergies, with possible breakout rooms. 

    • 1pm CST Econet Action Plan: Call for Action! Learn more about Econet and how you can take action. is an online community of citizen scientists who work together as both ecological thinkers and ecological practitioners

  • Sunday 12/15

    • 11am CST The Art of Onboarding a Coherent Whole with Tony Budak explores how to foster group commitment

    • 12:30-1pm BREAK or open conversation on Zoom

    • 1pm CST Technicollab Dreams: Software developers and mutual aid geeks come together to see how we can collaborate to create a tech ecosystem that works to realize our dreams. Beginners may feel overwhelmed but are welcome - the conversation is geared toward practitioners moving forward.

    • 2:30pm CST Highlights and Action Steps: We'll see how we can take action to move our individual and collective work forward via mutual aid. Those who want to check out's Chat on the Bench will be invited to do so.

We hope to see you! Please share the invitation with your friends.