Description Name Category(s) Last changed
I can help you navigate Madison Metro William R Zimmerman Transportation
Writing help meerabradley Learning
Computer help meerabradley Tech
Household tasks meerabradley Care, Help
Pet care/petsitting meerabradley Care, Help
Childcare meerabradley Care
Testing tech rek_madworc Miscellaneous, Tech
Madison MAN coordination Stephanie Rearick Admin help, Communications
Let's start a book club William R Zimmerman Learning
Exercise partner William R Zimmerman Wellness
Vegan food Stephanie Rearick Food
Vegan sweets Stephanie Rearick Food
Piano consultation Stephanie Rearick Creativity, Learning
Front yard available for your gardening pleasure Stephanie Rearick Gardening
help with groups function Madison MAN Co… Admin help
$10 Fontana Sports Gift Certificate 2024 meerabradley Goods
Custom or premade jewelry Adelaide Giving, Goods, Miscellaneous
Peacebuilding Practice group Madison MAN Co… Care, Learning
Get started with Bitcoin Brooks Learning, Leisure, Tech
Pet sitting Brooks Miscellaneous
Convert HOURS to Simbi points Brooks Miscellaneous, Tech
Get started with Ethereum Brooks Learning, Leisure, Tech
Music - recorded or live Stephanie Rearick Creativity
Good quality prints and copies Madison MAN Co… Miscellaneous
Posh Life Workshops Madison MAN Co… Learning