Monday Feb. 17, 3:30-6:30pm at the WilMar Neighborhood Center 953 Jenifer St.
Mutual Aid Supper Club
Bring a friend! Pop in anytime - you're welcome to drop in for a quick bite or to stay and visit the whole time.
We make menus based on what's available, cook together, share a meal from 5-6, then package some food to go and clean up.
Have some extra potatoes, garlic, other perishables or canned foods you need to use up? Contribute them to the meal, and we'll do a Stone Soup-style menu based on what comes in, including contributions from Healthy Food For All.
While some people cook, others can learn more about Peace Practice, or do some collective dreaming and planning for future Supper Clubs or other cool projects. The only limits are imagination and participation. Well, those aren't really limits are they?
--- and don't forget, mutual aid is an action, or a bunch of actions, that create the network we can rely on when other people are making artificial scarcity --
Enter and reply to offers and wants! Including: we have wants posted for help with shaping our tech tools, help with communications, hosting outreach events, etc. We have some fun active work groups you can be part of or you can work on your own, and earn hours for helping the MAN work better for you...
-- last, but not least ---
We'll be hosting the HUMANs Solidarity Summit from the Social Justice Center on March 15+16 and you're invited to be with us.
Sat. March 15 at noon we'll have a Virtual Supper Club where we'll share lunch while also connected with other communities doing the same, wherever they are, and other individuals finding community with all us humans sharing a meal and casual chat, with Kurt Roskopf (Milwaukee) kicking us off with a 12 o'clock Shakedown of music and movement. A big variety of fun and learning, come for part or all, in person or online. And we'll record to share later!
Thanks for reading this far