Spring is almost upon us and we're looking forward to seeing you at one or more of our many upcoming events.
Tuesday at 4pm we'll meet at the Social Justice Center (SJC) 1202 Williamson St. to get organized for our Everywhere and EveryBody Gardens project. join us! Email info@madisonman.coop if you need to join online, otherwise we'll just be in person.
Saturday and Sunday March 15-16 we host the HUMANs international Solidarity Summit right from our home base at SJC.
Saturday at noon we'll have a virtual Supper Club, where we're inviting people around the world to have a meal and a chat together. We'll also share a bit about the Supper Clubs we do here, and hear from other people about their own community building practices.
We need help! Can you bring some food to share? We're doing something between potluck and feeding people, and need members to help with the food. We'll gladly offer you MAN hours for helping, and we can also reimburse for ingredients. Please email to let us know if you're able.
Monday March 17 3:30-6:30pm is our regular Supper Club at the WilMar Neighborhood Center. Join for part or all! Bring spare ingredients, help cook, or just come to eat and chat. All are welcome!
And last but not least, please remember to enter and reply to offers and wants at our marketplace.
Thanks for reading and enjoy the spring weather,
the Madison MAN Cooperative