Hello dear members of the Madison MAN (Mutual AId Network) Cooperative,
Let's make 2025 the year that mutual aid turns around the uglier trends of the world. Yes, we can, and most humans ultimately want the same thing - to live in peace and abundance. We can create common ground and support each other to get through lean times, and have fun doing it!
- Sunday January 19 join members Madison Area Permaculture Guild for a training in Nonviolent Communication, more info below
- Monday January 20 join us for Supper Club! 3:30-6:30pm at the WilMar Center 953 more info below
- Enter and reply to offers and wants! Including: we have wants posted for help with shaping our tech tools, help with communications, hosting outreach events, etc. We have some fun active work groups you can be part of or you can work on your own, and earn hours for helping the MAN work better for you...
And now for the details on each upcoming event:
Slow PDC Daylong Introduction to Nonviolent Communication (NVC)
Date: Sunday, January 19, 2025
Location: Aubergine 1226 Williamson St.
Time: 10:00am with a light potluck brunch (time to get settled; bring something to pass if you are inspired to do so). The training will begin at 10:30am. At 12:30pm we will take a 15 minute break and, then at 12:45pm, continue the practice. We will take a half-hour break before returning at 3:15pm and finish about 5:15pm.
Cost: Like all our workshops, we offer a sliding-scale fee for participants:
• Supporting fee: $150
• Standard fee: $90
• Scholarship: pay what you feel able & financially comfortable to pay
Please be prepared to pay at the event. We prefer checks or cash, but will also be accepting credit via square at the event.
Please RSVP at PermacultureWorks.org & indicate in the comments how many children, at what ages, will you bring?
If you have not joined Permaculture Works, you may need to join to RSVP. Permaculture Works is a no cost, local, private social networking space focused on permaculture. We don't manipulate with algorithms or sell any data.
Supper Club
Date: Monday, January 20, 2025
Time: 3:30-6:30 or any portion 3:30-4 menu planning; 4-5 cooking or talking; 5-6 eating (kids welcome!); 6-6:30 pack up leftovers and clean up
Location: WilMar Neighorhood Center 953 Jenifer St.
Bring a friend! Pop in anytime - you're welcome to drop in for a quick bite or to stay and visit the whole time.
We make menus based on what's available, cook together, share a meal from 5-6, then package some food to go and clean up.
Have some extra potatoes, garlic, other perishables or canned foods you need to use up? Contribute them to the meal, and we'll do a Stone Soup-style menu based on what comes in, including contributions from Healthy Food For All.
While some people cook, others can learn more about Peace Practice, or do some collective dreaming and planning for future Supper Clubs or other cool projects. The only limits are imagination and participation. Well, those aren't really limits are they?
Hope to see you soon! Also, feel free to come to other events at our calendar, or be in touch with how we can help make the Madison MAN work for you.
Take care and happy new year (yes we can still say that),
Stephanie on behalf of the Madison MAN Coop